Mike Blackstock

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Brother's Creek

March 07, 2021 - Written by Mike Blackstock


Another great place to hike in the West Vancouver/Cypress area is Brothers Creek. This area is a maze of trails with a lot of old growth Red Cedars, waterfalls and a couple of small lakes at the higher elevations. Rob Muir and I have been up there a number of times both in the winter this year (2021) and last summer.


Here are a couple of photos from some of our walks. Most of these were from January 13, 2021. What a beautiful winter day!


Fallen old Cedar.

Light waterfall

Sunshine at the top of these falls.

Old Growth

A very old and tall tree.

Falls 2

Another waterfall taken in the summer.


Sunshite breaks throught the trees.

Old Growth Red Cedar

This is an old Red Cedar. I love the ropey looking trunk and the way the forest lights up in the sun.


I was inspired to paint my impression of the forest on that sunny day. I picked up the acrylic paints I’d set aside for some time and gave it a go. The photo above was the inspiration for this one. I’m looking forward to a lot more painting this summer.
