Mike Blackstock

Personal Web Page

Selected Past Projects

FRED The Front End for Node-RED

FRED is an IoT integration platform that manages instances of the popular IoT programming tool Node-RED for multiple users in the cloud. FRED is bundled with the STS-MQTT service, STS-InfluxDb time series data storage service and FRED Desktop gateway.

Distributed Node-RED

Extensions to Node-RED to distribute flows across devices, gateways and the cloud (the Fog) with Nam Giang - PhD student at UBC. github

WoTKit: The Web of Things Toolkit

The WoTKit was a cloud based service for users to easily integrate and capture data from a variety of ‘things’. Once integrated using simple scripts, users can create visualizations, and real time data processing scripts using the platform.

Smart Streets: SmartStreets Highways Maintenance Data Hub

The SmartStreets Hub provided application developers access to the data they need to deliver new and innovative applications and services from an consortium of major players in the highways maintenance industry by providing a set of open APIs to a wide range of assets and data streams. This system was built on the WoTKit and the open source CKAN open data platform.

Urban Opus Canada’s ‘smart city’ innovation hub

Citizens of the world’s great cities have the most to gain from the convergence of sensor networks, open data & mobile media. Urban Opus is an innovation hub dedicated to the myriad potentials of digitally-empowered citizens and communities. We champion the user experience of the smart city.

Thing Broker

The Thing Broker served as the core of MAGIC’s next generation IoT platform. It enabled easy application development by providing an easy to use RESTFul interface to things for applications that can be deployed in a stand alone system, or as a platform as a service.

Ubicomp Common Model (UCM) and Ubicomp Integration Framework (UIF)

A common model and integration infrastructure to support application interoperability with ubiquitous computing environments across administrative and network domains. The Ubicomp Common Model was based on a comprehensive survey and analysis of ubicomp middleware systems. This analysis led to a taxonomy of common abstractions as the basis for our entity-centric ubicomp environment model design.

The Ubicomp Integration Framework used the UCM to expose a consistent model for ubicomp environments accessible using web services. Semantic web technologies were integrated into this meta middleware platform to describe the structure of the framework in terms of entities (people, places and things) entity relationships, associated services, context and events.

MAGIC REST Broker Large Screen Display Interaction Toolkit

An easy to use toolkit for creating mobile phone to situated display interaction applications. The toolkit currently consists of an event broker, a shared state space, and easy to use HTTP/REST-style web service interface for language independent access.


MAGICBoard was a public “voting” system that solicits responses to thought-provoking or semi-contentious issues. Members of the public respond to these issues by publicly commenting or voting via any of three mechanisms: privately using SMS-enabled cell phones, or publicly at the display itself. We intend to deploy this system in a public place at UBC, when potentially hundreds of students will pass by. By analyzing the emergent conversational dynamics on the display, and how people alternatively use and congregate around the display itself, our deployment will allow us to understand how such publicly-available broadcast displays would be adopted by a broad user community.

Mobile MUSE

Mobile MUSE (Multimedia Urban Shared Experience) was an exploration of media centric mobile services focused on Cultural content and is funded by Heritage Canada. Mobile MUSE was a large project incorporating work from MAGIC at UBC, researchers at SFU, ECIAD and BCIT as well as large companies such as Bell, Telus, IBM and a host of small vancouver based New Media companies.

Under the Mobile MUSE umbrella I worked on the PlaceMedia/MUSEcap platform, as well as the Digital Dragon Boat Race.

The Fugitive

An early location aware game played on the UBC campus based to investigate the value of location awareness for a collaborative task.